A place where everyone joins together.
Saint Paul’s is committed to remaining an inclusive, progressive congregation.
We use the best of our traditions while being open to the Holy Spirit’s leading in new directions.
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God is at work in our world and in our lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In joyful response we will:
- Worship God with the riches of Episcopal sacraments, ceremony, and song;
- Encourage one another to pray, learn, and grow in the life of the Spirit;
- Nurture a community of compassion, welcome, inclusion, and warmth
- Seek and Serve people in need in our neighborhood and the world.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, we invite all people to share in our parish life and ministry, including people of every race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and ability.
St. Paul’s Calendar
Check out our calendar for services, events, meetings and interesting posts.
In a Church for the Present with a Distinguished Past
Taken from Grain, Once Scattered (history of St. Paul’s Church in the City of Albany)
“St. Paul’s Church or Congregation in the City of Albany” was formed in the year 1827. Since then, we have worshiped in four different buildings and in four different neighborhoods, all in the city of Albany. Our history is intimately tied to the history of this city.
We are this city’s second Episcopal congregation, organized by Richard Bury, then rector of Christ Church, Duanesburg, with the enthusiastic help of two of his young friends. These three saw a need in Albany’s rapidly-growing South End for an Episcopal Church more convenient for members of St. Peter’s who lived in the area and for the unchurched looking for a church home.

Feed Those Hungry Mouths, Put Clothes on Those Skinny Bones.
See all the ways that St. Paul’s is helping within the Albany community and around the world.

Loves & Fishes Soup Kitchen
The soup kitchen attached to St. Francis Mission provides a Saturday noontime meal service for the Arbor Hill section of Albany, one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods…
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St. Paul’s and St. Ann’s Food Pantry
One of St. John’s / St. Ann’s Outreach Center Missions operated by Catholic Charities. The Food Pantry provides emergency supplemental food for residents in the South End of Albany…
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Crop Walk Hunger Walk
The CROP Walk supports the overall ministry of Church World Service, especially grassroots, hunger-fighting development efforts around the world…
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St. Joseph’s House and Shelter
The mission of St. Joseph’s House & Shelter is to “Provide non-judgmental services to end homelessness.” …
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The Committee on Inclusion
Participation and leadership are expressed by all people in our church, regardless of gender, sexual identity, or orientation…
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Prayer Shawl & Mitten Tree
The prayer shawl group meets once a month from September through June. Each knitter/crocheter provides their own yarn and chooses their own pattern. …
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FOCUS Food Pantry
St. Paul’s congregation grows hundreds of pounds of vegetables — tomatoes, zucchini, basil — at a garden at the church and donates them to the FOCUS Food Pantry.…
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Episcopal Relief & Development
ER&D works in collaboration with church partners and other local organizations to facilitate healthier, more fulfilling lives in communities that are struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease…
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New York State Council of Churches
NYSCOC is a statewide organization through which Christians accomplish mission goals that can be achieved more effectively by working together…
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Haiti Mission Partnership
St. Paul’s, in partnership with St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Albany, continues to support the school affiliated with Christ the King Episcopal Parish in LaHoye, Haiti…
Read More: St. Paul’s Music“It is fitting that Christians should manifest their unity by joining together to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to show God’s good and just purposes throughout New York State. Therefore, we covenant to care for one another, safeguard the presence of vital Christian communities, provide hospitality to all, proclaim the Gospel boldly in each place, and declare God’s just will among the powers and principalities.
From this, grows the purpose of the New York State Council of Churches as a statewide organization through which Christians accomplish mission goals that can be achieved more effectively by working together. These mission goals focus on social justice, institutional pastoral care, and ecumenical cooperation in education, worship and action.” – New York State Council of Churches Executive Committee, The Reverend Peter Cook, Executive Director (United Church of Christ)
St. Paul’s supports the NYS Council of Churches financially. Individual members of the congregation attend presentations, ecumenical services and advocacy days.
St. Paul’s Contact: Kate Storms
Episcopal Relief & Development works in collaboration with church partners and other local organizations to facilitate healthier, more fulfilling lives in communities that are struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. It also works around the world and here in the US responding to and rebuilding after disasters.
One part of the program is similar to the Heifer charity where gifts of animals are made to help families transform their lives in lasting ways. St. Paul’s has been celebrating each baptism at our church with a gift of at least one flock of chickens to a family in another country to raise as poultry and to sell surplus stock and eggs in the marketplace. A special offering is taken on the day of the baptism, and often we are able to send monies for multiple flocks of chickens.
St. Paul’s Contact: Dan Halloran
We perform

Marriage Service
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Baptist Service
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Morning Prayers
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Funerals Service
Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris ornare lorem ac finibus interdum.
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Our Leadership

Father Michael Greene

Dan Halloran

Kelly Dalton

Steven Rosenberry
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Latest Posts About St. Paul’s
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat<br>non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
St. Paul’s Music
Music at St. Paul’s St. Paul’s has a long tradition of excellence in choral, organ, and concert music. Our 28 voice choir is made up of parish volunteers […]
Crop Walk Hunger Walk
The CROP Hunger Walk supports the overall ministry of Church World Service, especially grassroots, hunger-fighting development efforts around the world. In addition, each local CROP Hunger Walk can […]
The Committee on Inclusion
At St. Paul’s we advocate inclusion, representing God’s love for every human being. Participation and leadership are expressed by all people in our church, regardless of gender, sexual […]
St. John’s / St. Ann’s Food Pantry
St. John’s / St. Ann’s Food Pantry is part of the mission of St. John’s / St. Ann’s Outreach Center operated by Catholic Charities. The Food Pantry provides […]